Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Story of Casey and Jesse (and Frankie)

One of the early narrative threads from the the 2014-15 EPL season was the controversy over Chelsea legend Frank Lampard, who was announced to have signed with new MLS team NYCFC and then went on loan to parent club Manchester City. His contributions at Man City (including a last minute strike against Chelsea) led to an extension of the "loan" through the end of the EPL season and conflicting reports as to whether he had ever formally signed with New York. 

With the opening of the 2015 MLS season, we lay out the pros and cons of each team and fondly remember the futility of any decision Lamps himself may have made. Written for a Men in Blazers contest.


(parody of THE STORY OF LUCY AND JESSIE from Follies, original lyrics and music by Stephen Sondheim)

Here's a story all about our Super Frank
And his two connected teams
Let us call them Casey Brit and Jesse Yank
A descriptive naming scheme

Now Jesse means unsurety
The relative obscurity
That comes with living in the USA
Casey has maturity
Without career security
No guarantee he'll start or even play

Given Frankie's history
And legend rank
It makes sense that his two teams
Represent two far extremes
It seems

Casey is pacey 
All egos and pride
Jesse is messy
Completely untried
Casey gets to play Messi
Jesse seems a bit spacey
Casey looks down on Jesse
Not Jesse Casey

You see, Casey is scary
Yet terribly rich
Jesse spares Terry
But borrows a pitch
Casey wants to beat Terry
Jesse wants to be Casey
Negotiations are hairy
As may the case be

Both have woes
Lusting after rusting pros
Casey wants to have what Jesse owned
Jesse wants returned what Casey loaned

Now if he picks Casey Brit
Hated, rated, Casey Brit
Chelsea fans are wont to throw an awful fit
But if he picks Jesse Yank
Rumored, humored Jesse Yank
He may be a pachyderm who walked the plank
Pacey Casey
Messy Jesse

Casey has pixie
Midfielders with flair
Jesse has Mixy and fashionable hair
Casey likes to be tricksy
Jesse travels to Dixie
But Casey and Jesse are basic'lly one
So his choice may not forestall a
Father who would cheat his son!